Why hello! My name is Snickers, yes after the candy bar, and I am a 2 year-old Pomeranian. I have discovered the wonderful world of blogging and I am excited to start my own blog. Since, I have a lot to say.
A lot to say you ask? Like my favorite recording artists like, Lady Gaga and Mariah Carey. I also love to debate things like, doggy politics.
I love my life with my humans but sometimes they get the strangest ideas. Bathing once a month for instance! What a waste of time! But what can I say, they'd die without me in their lives.
So, I begin my adventure in blogging. I know you're gonna become a fan because my life is so interesting. I'll update more later on, seeing as I'm pooped out for today. Going to the park AND getting a bath in one day tires me out!
Smell ya later,