Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I do tricks. Nothing out of the ordinary...your typical dog tricks. Sit, down, stay. But when I do it, it's different. You get to see the trick and get the treat of seeing ME do it. That makes it a trick and a treat.

My people have taught me tricks since I was a pup and I hafta say, I'm a pretty good learner. My best trick is one that my 'sister-aunt' taught me. Oh, and if you're wondering what a 'sister-aunt' is it's a aunt that treats you like a little sister. (She's a big meanie, my sister-aunt.) But getting back to my fabulous trick. It's called (get ready for this,) SIT PRETTY. It's when I sit up, just like a people-person! I hafta say it's just plain adorable. I even do it without my people asking. Especially when they have food in their hands. I get all sorts of comments on it. I'm not one to brag, but it's just about the cutest thing a Pom can do. It comes with great rewards too.

Oh but my FAVORITE trick is fetch. Some ignorant people would say that it isn't a trick but it is. It requires hard work and passion. And that's what I do when it comes to fetch. I might be the best fetcher in the whole wide world and I'm not just sayin' that. The other day when I was at the park I did the best fetch trick I could think of. Doing it while treading the harsh waves of the pool. Here it is for you to see.

I know you'll dig that. I'll continue to update you if I learn any more new tricks.

Smell ya later,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Itching up the wrong tree

I'm obviously a Pomeranian. I mean if my beautiful blonde locks don't give it away I don't know what will. Well, to answer my own question, my BITING personality will. My Mommy calls it 'Pomeranian syndrome', I call it 'Snickers syndrome'. But back to me being a Pom, I have a double-coat, as every Pom knows and lately I've been having an awful itching problem.
I wake up in the middle of the night ITCHING like mad. But I know one good cure, a good brushing. So, I wake up my Grandpa and give him my boo-boo eyes. I like to throw in a good whine or two to really get him feeling guilty for me. So, I get a good half-hour brushing. But I'm not going to lie, because no honorable Pom does, this itching has got to end!

So, the other day my Mama and I took a trip down to my favorite store, Petco. She said something about 'shampoo' whatever that is. Sounded tasty though. Oh, but I was wrong. Shampoo isn't tasty at all! Turns out shampoo is what they rub on you when you're getting a bath. Yes. I was subject to a horrible bath. Look at me! It was awful!

This shampoo is supposed to make me feel better but all it's done so far is make me smell just horrid. Why do humans insist on smelling like icky roses? Dead snails and bird poop is the best. I think a few dogs even said something about me smelling funny at the park today....

Well, at least the itching has gone away, somewhat. I guess I'll hafta say good-bye to my midnight brushings...for now at least.

Smell ya later,